Christmastime Is Here…



Things have been busy around the Manor, from hanging lights outside and dressing the tree to starting the annual cookie and jam making for gifts, things have been hopping! 

Christmas is for children and long before the new economic realities of austere holiday celebrations and living within ones means, my loathe of the mall left me to explain to friends I would prefer time spent together and/or a gift of food for craft to a store-bought trinket.   I gift cookies and jam to adults and pick up only a few things for my nephews. 

No peeking on cookies until the boxes are packed and ready for giving, but I decided to try out a Tangerine and Orange Marmalade this year.  My lime marmalade was such a big hit and I think citrus is always perfect during the winter months.  There is little better on a cold morning than smearing some bright and sunny marmalade across a warm slice of toast from a hearty freshly baked load of bread!

What are you making this year to gift to friends and family?  What new or old traditions are you starting?  Make it happen and let us know!

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